Introductory Ski course for outside J&K boys batch sponsored by Tourism Dept begins at Gulmarg

PNN/Srinagar: The first outside J&K boys batch being sponsored by the Directorate of Tourism, Kashmir was Wednesday flagged off from TRC Srinagar towards Gulmarg for the 7-Day introductory Ski Course there. The 20 member group of boys drawn from various States & UTs including Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, New Delhi and Ladakh was flagged […]

Incidents of dog biting a common affair in Pahalgam

PNN/ Srinagar, J&K: The repeated incidents of dog biting has become a common affair. Everyday one can hear cases of dog bites.The unabated increase in the stray dog population at Pahalgam is a serious cause of concern, on which the Authorities/Municipal Corporation Pahalgam is not even taking a small initiative to tackle the problem. It is […]