Street Dogs

Incidents of dog biting a common affair in Pahalgam

PNN/ Srinagar, J&K: The repeated incidents of dog biting has become a common affair. Everyday one can hear cases of dog bites.The unabated increase in the stray dog population at Pahalgam is a serious cause of concern, on which the Authorities/Municipal Corporation Pahalgam is not even taking a small initiative to tackle the problem.

It is an unpleasant scene to witness stray dogs roaming freely around the whole village of Pahalgam ( A very famous and beautiful Tourist spot). Every area, layout, streets and roads of Pahalgam are infested with stray dogs.

Gousia Rashid an M.A B.ed student of Pahalgam said that “In our area (Pahalgam) large number of dogs roam freely on the streets, actually it’s heard that some unknown agencies bring large number of dogs from other areas and through them at Pahalgam during night time, which is infact a rediculous act and ultimately leads to increase in dog population in the area, and also the heaps of garbage on the road sides is also another cause and is definitely a matter of serious concern, but the administration is totally callous about tackling it.

Had they been serious, the population of dogs and dog bites in our locality would not have grown in such a large number.

How much Hue and cry has been raised by the residents of Pahalgam, but the authorities doing nothing to curb the menace.

Died girl
The recent case of a three years old girl of our locality, Mashoora, (Daughter of Sabzar Ahmad Wani) died of a dog bite left the whole village terrified, from then there is an environment of fear and terror in the entire area.

The cases of dog bites are rapidly increasing in our locality, which has resulted in fear among people of all categories.

It has become a menace in our neighborhood. we are not allowing our children to play outside for fear that they would be bitten by stray dogs.

Even elderly people and pregnant women are afraid of stepping out of their houses. This menace has reached an alarming rate.

Now, again we appeal to the concerned authorities to take sincere efforts to tackle the situation and curb the menace,so thay we may live peaceful and fearless life.

*Gousia Rashid, Community Writer*

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